Roger Highfield is Editor of New Scientist. He has “written half a dozen books, sat on a few committees and was the science editor of The Daily Telegraph for two decades”.
Roger Highfield: we're all born scientists
December 8, 2008 – 7:00 AM
Roger Highfield is Editor of New Scientist. He has “written half a dozen books, sat on a few committees and was the science editor of The Daily Telegraph for two decades”.
Dear Dr.Highfield,
In your opinion, discovery of a planet is more exciting. Or, as I've presented in the attached article,
whether observing 'A very tiniest mass in the space, having completed its life, have been turning
into energy' would be more exciting or not ? It is my belief that, this observation will be the proof
of the General and the Special Theory of Relativity. This observation can be made only by NASA or
ESA. I hope that I will be able to see this consequence while I'm still alive. For further information,
please visit my web site . I will be indebted for your interest.
Dear Dr.Highfield,
Very small free roaming particles lifetime very short.[free photons, free notron, free proton,free
electron ,vs].And their lifetime is its energy Mc2. Protons are observed to be stable and their theoretical minimum half-life is 1x10'36 years.Grand unified theories generally predict. That proton
decay should take place, although experiments so far have only resulted in a lower limit 10'35 years for proton's lifetime. I see that. The earth lifetime is its Mc'2 energy. When this is calculated
the lifetime of earth.
Earth Mass= 5.97x10'24 kg. the lifetime 1 kg of mass in space is 2851927903,26 years.
Earth Lifetime is 1.7x10'34 years. I think that, this is a very interesting result.
Best regarts
Salih Kırcalar