The film in pieces

Here’s the film, chopped into bite-size little pieces, at YouTube:

Science Teacher Alom Shaha walks across hot coals to demonstrate how easy it is to do. He then briefly explains the simple science behind it and why such knowledge can be useful to you.

Alom Shaha introduces and explains his “why is science important?” project. This clip features responses to the question from trainee science teachers and glimpses into answers from prominent scientists who feature later in the film.

Adam Hart-Davis explains why science is important for the technological world we live in. Alom Shaha visits a research facility and takes a ride in a giant centrifuge as part of a mission to find out why science is important to technology.

Rocket Scientist Elaine Greaney explains how scientific research is pushing the boundaries of space flight technologies. Alom Shaha explains how science is crucial for technological developments in the modern world.

Dr Chris Langley explains why there are moral and ethical choices involved in the development of technologies and that perhaps we need to think more carefully about these. Alom Shaha visits the British Antarctic Survey to find out how scientific research may be playing a crucial role in ensuring the survival of our species.

Dr Marc Beurskens at the nuclear fusion research facility at JET explains how nuclear fusion may play a key role in helping us deal with climate change. Alom Shaha visits the British Antarctic survey and shows how science helped save us from the harmful effects of a hole in the ozone layer.

Prof. Robin Weiss explains why science is crucial to medical research. Dr Gillian Dalgliesh at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Centre explains why a scientific approach is essential to finding a cure for cancer.

Prof. Marcus du Sautoy explains his role as the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at the university of Oxford and why it’s important for people in a democracy to understand science.

Science Teacher David Perks explains what he thinks are the flaws of the UK’s approach to science teaching. Mick Waters, Director of Curriculum at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, explains how teachers can work with the curriculum to deliver good science education.

Science teacher Becky Parker explains why it’s important to teach science to our children.

Astronomer Dr Francisco Diego explains why studying the stars is important - because it tells us about our place in the universe, about our origin and our destiny.

Philosopher A.C. Grayling explains why science is the best way of arriving at truth about the universe.

Psychologist Susan Blackmore explains how her scientific research led her to reject her youthful beliefs in occult explanations for clairvoyance, telekinesis and other apparently “paranormal” phenomena.

Science Teacher Alom Shaha concludes his quest to find answers to the question “why is science important?” and offers his own answer.


  1. Fran Johnstone
    Posted March 17, 2009 at 9:45 PM | Permalink | Reply

    Keep helping youngsters to achieve their full potential, Alom. Thanks for a great film.

  2. Posted August 18, 2009 at 2:24 AM | Permalink | Reply

    dude, i'll never get over the fact that we're made of stardust. that is so cool!

    ok, big question. if we are measuring the edge of the known universe by radio waves or whatever, which travel at a fixed speed, and it took 14 billion or so years to get to us from the edge of the universe... then doesn't that mean that the universe has expanded more and is therefore bigger than 14 billion or so light years across?

  3. Taryn
    Posted September 27, 2010 at 10:00 PM | Permalink | Reply

    Hai ^^

  4. yourmom.
    Posted January 21, 2011 at 6:39 PM | Permalink | Reply

    this sucks, and so do you.

  5. John Prusko
    Posted July 12, 2011 at 7:56 PM | Permalink | Reply

    This is excellent. I am researching science materials for returning adults completing their BA degrees. Science is intimidating to anyone at any age. This material I see as not intimidating but thought provoking.
    I will also try to trial run some of this material with my junior high science classes this fall, 2011.
    Thank you for providing such wonderful material.

    John Prusko
    Science Teacher 43 years
    Grove Junior High School
    777 Elk Grove Blvd
    Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007

  6. Posted August 27, 2012 at 2:55 PM | Permalink | Reply

    Very well dne. This teaches me a whole lot about science and find that facinating and cool.

  7. Posted August 31, 2012 at 3:40 AM | Permalink | Reply

    Science helps us advance in technology. Science also helps us figure out why something is the way it is. Science is everywhere, it is the study of the unknown. Everything has something to do with science. From the color of something to the shape something, science is always in the explanation.

  8. Jared Howard
    Posted August 31, 2012 at 3:52 AM | Permalink | Reply

    Science is everywhere. Science is the study of the unknown. Science explains many things. From the color of an object to the shape of an object, science is the explanation to everything.

1 TrackBack

  1. By Why is science important? on March 10, 2009 at 10:30 AM

    The complete film…

    The first idea for this project was to make a film; then this website came along. The film, ultimately, is the story of the website. Watch it here, and let us know your thoughts below. You can also watch the...……

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